Sunday, August 31, 2008

With ten miles behind me and ten thousand more to go...

Last night we took Little J to visit her mother for a couple of hours while Shawn and I went to the inlaws' for dinner. We had a nice visit with them, then went back to pick her up. When I arrived to get her, there was a twelve year old boy in the front entrance eager to question me about when Little J would be back. Apparently his mother lives at the recovery home too, and he was hoping the two of them would be able to coordinate their next visits.

When we got home Little J asked me to come and chat with her about boys. She had questions about crushes and first kisses and that tingly feeling you get a when a boy says he likes you. It was adorable. We talked for a long time. I hope her mother will find a way to let her explore these feelings (while adequately supervising!) and let her grow up as she needs to. Meanwhile I'm so glad she's here and we can talk about these things together.


It's the last day of August. There's already a chill in the air in the mornings, the thing that reminds us we're Canadian in spite of the fact that winters here are so comparably painless to winter on the prairies. There's still a little nip in the air that I can't help loving because it feels fresh and somehow Christmasy. Even on the last day of August.


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