Thursday, August 21, 2008

a little somethin' extra to take it all away

Today is day one of my Week of Peace. I woke up at 5:30 with Shawn to help him get Little J ready to go, and to hug and kiss them all goodbye. After seeing them off, I tried to go back to bed and found that I couldn't sleep. And yet, I didn't want to be up and awake that early knowing I have only five days of vacation time left before school begins again. So I stayed in bed staring at the ceiling and snuggling the puppies for awhile, and eventually did manage to get about another half hour before finally getting up at 8:00.

My parents called shortly after that to talk about the custody situation, and basically reported that no progress has been made on their end yet either. As Little J is on her way to visit them for a week they probably won't be seeing their lawyer for a little while. Meanwhile, C called to demand cigarettes and told me that since I wasn't willing to buy them for her I was obviously disinterested in her recovery, cold, cruel and exacting. I asserted my non- "co-dependent" self by assuring her that while I wish her all the best I have no intention of buying her any cigarettes. She was angry.

I went to a doctor appointment after the phone call, and then came home and had some lunch. And then fell asleep on the couch for an hour. Ahhh... this life of peace and quiet!

I have no plans for this evening other than just lounging around and reading my book and perhaps struggling to muster up the motivation to go for a jog.

I've been letting the answering machine get the phone all afternoon and reveling in the Quiet.


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