Sunday, August 03, 2008

my thoughts are scattered and they're cloudy

Yesterday morning C phoned to tell us that the director of the centre needed to cancel the meeting because she felt sick and wanted to meet another time. Having been burned repeatedly by C's dishonesty, we assumed she was lying and tried to phone the director ourselves but no one answered the phone. Eventually we drove out to the centre to drop off Little J and when we got there we spoke with another staff member who actually confirmed that the director was ill. We were surprised and I was glad we hadn't outright accused C of lying. I almost feel guilty about being so suspicious except for the fact that she recently told Little J that she's a good friend of Johnny Depp's and that they exchange daily emails and phone calls. Sigh.

Anyway. We're going to pick Little J up again tonight some time after dinner and I'm halfway scared that they won't be there when we arrive or that there will be some sort of horrible scene... it's hard to have any faith or trust right now.

We had a nice night last night with Shawn's Dad and stepmom, who came over for dinner and wine... we haven't been able to have adult conversations for a little while. Tonight they are having a party and want us to come by but Shawn is reluctant. He doesn't enjoy parties at all.

I think Puppy E is sick... he's been acting strangely for a couple of days and we can't figure out what's going on. Hopefully it's nothing serious, but he seems to have a sore stomach and his appetite is intermittent. We're keeping an eye on him and will take him to the vet soon if this persists. (I'm trying not to overreact because I always do... and sometimes I think our vet thinks we have Munchausen by proxy.)


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