Sunday, August 24, 2008


My vacation is ending way too fast. I go back to school on Tuesday for a three day week, which is just professional days. I'm actually going to need to figure out what on earth to do with the kids when they arrive, so I hope they don't tie us up in meetings the entire time. I'd like to have a chance to plan out the first week's worth of lesson plans.

I suppose I could be doing that now. But I'd rather do it on the clock since I have to be there anyway.

I'm kind of nervous about sharing that office with the returning teacher whose reputation precedes him as an obnoxious, overbearing loudmouth. I hope they find somewhere else to put him. But I suspect, if the reports are accurate, that is going to be me who chickens out first and runs for cover.


Shawn phoned this morning from his mother's place to say he'd arrived there safely. He'll probably be home late on Wednesday night. I'm actually starting to miss the family now which just goes to prove that I am all talk when I say I love and crave being alone. Just the way a person fantasizes about eating a whole cake or a pizza, when you have it there in front of you, a couple of pieces will usually do the trick. Now I'm ready to have my family back. Maybe I should eat cake and pizza until they return.


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