Thursday, August 27, 2009

something is wrong it doesn't belong

The garage-cleaning project went on again today. We dragged all C's boxes out of the garage and stacked them by the side of the house to put them into the Element later. I'm not going to give a rat's ass if someone steals them in the meantime. Seriously. While we were cleaning and organizing, we found the carcass of a dead spider so big that I almost wanted to burst into tears. Just thinking that that thing was once alive in there was nauseating. I wish I wasn't afraid of spiders. But not enough to do anything about it.


Today C phoned to talk to Little J and was pleasant for the first time in a long time. Well, pleasant is pushing it, but she was less combative. Better at lying, better at saying what Little J wanted to hear, better at diffusing instead of engaging. Which means she's still full of it, but instead of leaving Little J angry, for a change, it was a less upsetting conversation. And immediately after that, Little J announced that she wants to see her mom for a visit some time soon. Sigh. That means I have to supervise a visit and I can barely stomach the thought of seeing this woman ever again. I don't want to be near her. I really don't. My marvelously supportive parents have completely dropped their end of this financial responsibility and Shawn and I are now shouldering the cost of everything. It's so discouraging sometimes, trying to do the right thing.


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