Monday, August 10, 2009

And that's as much grouting as I can do today. My hands are so sore. I am developing more and more respect for tradesmen each time I try to spend a full day doing physical labour. I did put in about five hours and have sadly little to show for it, but I'm chipping away at it and fully anticipate being done before I turn forty. I cemented down the tile pieces that Shawn cut to finish the stair and I grouted another small section. This time I used the weird thing that looks like it's meant for icing a giant cake and it seemed to make it easier, at least at first until my hands got too tired to squeeze it anymore. (Grout is not nearly as pliable as icing.)

It's raining today; I think this is the first rain we've had in a month. The poor lawn has been turning more and more brown. Of course brown grass doesn't grow or need mowing, which is a blessing, but it looks awful. So I can look forward to it looking pretty again. And look forward to mowing it, which only takes about two hours for the front and two for the back. !!! Sigh. I want to have a huge yard AND a gardener.

I feel like I want to go back to bed now.


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