Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Today started earlier than I'd intended it to. If Tenacious D hadn't decided to throw up remnants of last night's dinner in bed where I was lying, I'd probably only be waking up just now. Instead, I've already done two loads of laundry, put away the dishes, fed the dogs, and eaten toast and grapes. It's hard to find the upside to being barfed on in bed, but if there is one, it's the enforced running start to the day.


Shawn went to see our new house again last night. The woman who lives in it currently invited him to come and look at her furniture in case he'd like to buy any of it. Of course if any of her furniture was something we'd like, it would be a perfect situation for both us, she not having to move it out and us not having to move it in. Unfortunately, neither of us could remember liking any of her furniture at all (unsurprising that her tastes differ from outs because she is about fifty years older than we are). But, on the off chance there might be something wonderful, Shawn decided to go and have another look around.

The second look confirmed what we'd already suspected, that there was nothing there that we wanted, and though we wouldn't have really bought the stuff at any price, Shawn said he couldn't believe how much they (the owner and her niece) were trying to charge for things that were old and damaged, with prices as though they were in an upscale furniture store rather than looking at second-hand. As one who has furnished apartments entirely with Value Village cast offs and plastic milk crates, I had to agree with Shawn's assessment. I'd rather have NO dining room table than buy one I don't especially like just because it's easy.

So although the furniture shopping was fruitless, Shawn did say he was glad to go in and have another look around at the property. He also mentioned feeling a little bit cross that the lady and her niece were smoking like chimneys. Of course we have begun to think of this house as ours, in spite of there being another thirty-one days before that is the case. And imagine how many cigarettes may be smoked in thirty-one days! It's staggering. We've been making plans to repaint everything and to tear out all the carpets, and with luck this means all traces of smoke will be gone in short order.


Thinking about ~ again because of another conversation I had with a friend the other day. Thinking lots... but still not concrete enough in my head to explain what I'm thinking.


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