Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Did I ever tell what I thought of what you did for me?

Raising a child forces me to be more careful with the time I spend. If I waste an hour watching mindless drivel on television while she plays The Sims, we have both lost something, perhaps a bike ride or some time playing Monopoly or something else that might have been of benefit to her. I am determined to make her life here fulfilling and rewarding and to try and fill up some of those empty wells that grew while she was living in the cave. It means I need to budget my time with greater awareness. Drivel must wait until she is in bed.

These days while she is at camp are a great relief because they give me time to work on school work while she is otherwise occupied, so I am not thinking of all the things I should be doing with her instead. I can focus on getting things done. Today I watched the last half of the counselling skills videotape, which is without a doubt, The Worst Video Ever Made. But it was a necessary evil to endure in order to get going on the next assignment, which is tomorrow's first order of business. I am eager to do this assignment and get it finished, but I want to wait for feedback on the last assignment so I can ensure that I am on the right track or improve if I am not. With luck my professor will be a little quicker on the ball than I have been lately. I also managed to submit one of the two paper proposals. The other proposal is something I hope I'll get started on tomorrow as well.

My time tomorrow is cut, somewhat, in half, by the fact that I volunteered to drive children to the movie theatre for Little J's daycamp in the afternoon. So I'll have a bit less time to work on things, but hopefully enough to get some work done anyway.

And now I have fifteen minutes or so to cram some lunch into my face before I need to go retrieve J from camp and begin the evening parenting shift. This is quite a different lifestyle than I have grown accustomed to in my laziness.


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