Monday, June 23, 2008

down low down low down low....

In the costume closet at my school there are three years of neglect stuffed haphazardly into boxes, slung over hangers, and crammed into corners.  After invigilating Math 10 in the morning, I spent the afternoon sorting filthy dusty costumes and props.  The job is nowhere near finished but by the time I left the school at 3:00 I was feeling that I could, in fact, finish this job before we shut down for the summer.  I've been resisting doing this task, knowing it desperately needed doing, because I still don't know, and won't know until much later, whether I am to return to this school in September.  I didn't want to clean up the costume room because the mess is his, and if he's returning, I wanted him to deal with it.  However, after some introspection I decided to do it anyway.  If I do return to this school, it will a tremendous relief to have this job done properly before school starts.  And if I don't, add it to my karma tally.  I'm stockpiling so I can do something really bad.


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