Tuesday, March 18, 2008

There's a picture opposite me

I found my eye picture on the other computer.  I should have been working on my course while I was there - so this isn't much of a huge accomplishment - but today I am going to work on the course for certain.  The puppies make it challenging to get work done because the desktop computer is in the same room as their doghouse.  If I put them in the doghouse they stare at me and whine and beg to be set free, making it very difficult to concentrate.  If I let them out, they jump into my lap and pile up on top of me so I can barely see the computer screen.  I think I'm going to have to move the computer if I want to finish this course on time.  I'd like to work on the Apple laptop, but I'm not as confident with it yet and if I encounter glitches during a quiz or test, I'll lose valuable time.


We're getting some sunshine today contrary to local meteorologists' dire predictions.  I hope it lasts.  I want babies in the birdhouse.


Shawn already has Good Friday and Easter Monday off work - so he's decided to take Thursday too and make it a five day weekend.  This is great in terms of having time together, and bad news for my course.  As if the puppies aren't distracting enough, having Shawn home makes it impossible to get any work done.  If I put him in the doghouse he whines.  If I let him out he climbs all over me licking my face.



Anonymous said...

Cheerios on the compost heap, I'm tellin' ya! Cheerios on the compost heap.

Ellen said...

I think we should have an egg hunt in your yard, then all pee on the compost pile. LOL