Wednesday, March 26, 2008

sick of druids

Ugh.  I did NOT do nearly as well on the quiz as I hoped.  Fortunately, the professor was helpful in providing feedback and made it clear where I had gone wrong.  The mark is still decent - a B, I think - but it's not even close to what I wanted to accomplish.  The professor offers the option to write a second version of the quiz for a better mark, but the risk is that you get whatever mark is assigned on the second quiz even if it's worse than the first one.  I decided to roll the dice and take that chance operating under the assumption that his feedback and guidance would help me do better the second time around.  The second quiz was tough too, but I tried to remember to incorporate his suggestions.  If he's as fast at marking this one as he was the first one, I should have my results by tomorrow afternoon.  Fingers crossed.  

I got completely messed up, however, with regard to time during this quiz because I changed computers (the desktop is more conducive to this kind of work than the laptop) and the clock on my desktop computer was an hour behind (because I never changed it for daylight savings).  This meant that when Shawn got home from work I was still writing away, thinking I had another hour before I would need to get dinner ready.  Not that he's the kind of caveman who expects hot dinner and a drink in his hand as he walks through the door or anything, but I felt like a twit because I'd promised to make dinner tonight and he ended up having to do it because I had another 45 minutes of writing I had to finish before I could leave my computer.  Bah.  I think I will try to think of ways to make it up before he thinks of ways to torture me for it.  :)

I hope the fact that I bought some cake when I went grocery shopping this afternoon will help to hasten the forgiveness.


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