Monday, March 31, 2008

Like the one you knew before Calling me back once again

Good things:  

I got my second quiz attempt back from the professor today (finally) and I got 95% this time so it was well worth rewriting it, not only for the mark but also because I now have a much better idea of what the professor wants from me in terms of writing style.  It's good motivation to move on and keep working through the course.

I also got my school board qualification assessment back today.  This is something the school board demands if you want to teach anything outside your immediate discipline.  I actually have no desire to teach anything other than Drama but my principal asked me to get the assessment because she's hoping she can create a job for me next year by making the assignment a mix of Drama and something else that will prevent other applicants from applying.  I'm flattered she's willing to bend the rules a bit to keep me, though of course this doesn't guarantee that will happen.  But it does make me a little more generally useful to the school as the board decided I am also qualified to be part of the Learning Support Team - which means working with kids with special learning needs.

The sun is back and I walked to work today for the first time in awhile.  If it stays like this, I'll plan to keep walking for the rest of the school year.


When J arrived last night I was immediately overcome with the compulsive desire to fuss over him.  T drove here with him and from the minute the two of them walked in the front door I felt myself turning into an Jewish mama wanting to stuff them full of food and follow them around the house asking if they needed anything.  

Understandably, J was extremely tired and looked pretty stressed out at the prospect of moving all his belongings into the house and finding places for everything, all the while not wanting to be in the way.  I think I was overcompensating more than just a little bit - but I've been in his shoes and I remember exactly how it felt to move into a household that was already established, wondering how I would fit, wondering where my things would go, and feeling out of place.  I want to make this easy for him.

The moving van will come later in the week and we will figure out where to put his things.  We'll make it work.


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