Wednesday, January 09, 2008

not normally the one at the desk

I get to have my teacher evaluation on Friday, which is lousy timing considering that I feel so completely emptied out of creative ideas.  Now I have to think of something clever to do that day.  Bah.  No putting on movies for me, no sir.  Creative and energetic to the finish line.  Blech.  I have been picking the internet's brain for ideas, but haven't come up with anything particularly useful yet.

I miss being past this stage of my career; starting over is a pain.


The cabinet guys dropped off the cupboards today but didn't start the installation.  So, we have cupboards randomly scattered around the kitchen, which is a nice start but not exactly what I was hoping for.  The guy who organizes installation is sick, so our kitchen may continue to look like this for awhile.   I have unfulfilled dreams of forks and spoons in drawers instead of lying on the living room carpet.


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