Tuesday, January 29, 2008

in the end, you naturally start thinking about the beginning

i called e today, meaning to ask her a question about real estate, and was patched through to her cell phone.  when i told her it was me and asked how she was doing she immediately started crying and told me that her daughter died early this morning. i was completely taken off guard.  why did her secretary patch my call through to her while she's going through this?  what can you possibly say to someone who has lost a child?  no matter what you say, nothing is good enough.  i said i'm so sorry oh my god i'm so so sorry and then ran out of things.  is someone with you?  you're not alone, are you?  and then what else can you say?  since then i can't think of anything else but what she must be going through and wondering if there's anything in the world i can do to help.  k always said this was going to happen, and e probably knew so too, but it doesn't make it easier, it really doesn't. 


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