Sunday, September 16, 2007

on what basis

This morning we went for breakfast at Tim Horton's, Shawn's favourite. We did a bit of errand-running; we got the dogs some more raw food (yuk) and found some red wine glasses to replace the ones that have broken over the years. There's something about the shape of the red wine glass, I think, that makes it weak and prone to breakage. Or maybe it's just that we bought them at Ikea, 6 glasses for $4.oo. Anyway, we bought six more of equal excellent quality secure in the knowledge that we won't need to feel sad when they start, inevitably, breaking again.

We also tried to find a place to fix my shoe that Puppy D so callously decided to eat, but the shoe repair place was closed on Sunday. That's something about where we live that I find odd - that many of the merchants keep small town hours in spite of the big city status. I guess I'll have to go back tomorrow.

On the way home we stopped to get those weird fake logs that you can burn in a wood burning fireplace. I like them because they leave a lot less ash behind than real wood does and so it's easier to clean up after using them. We're actually enjoying the fireplaces very much though we've grown accustomed to having a gas fireplace - these are nicer in a way. Less convenient, but prettier.


I spoke with GDJ on Friday from school and he said he expects lots of work for me in the very near future and one of the managers sent me a pile of scriptwriting to keep me occupied until then. Of course they don't realise that I am now teaching full time and I've chosen not to share that information yet because I want to see, first, if I am able to manage both jobs simultaneously. I don't know if it's possible to do both while still having time left for Shawn and the pup-babies and myself... but in the past, the writing has been something I've been able to do in so much less time than I've been allotted that I'm greedily wondering if I could pull in two full time salaries for awhile. If so we could get our renovations done a lot faster, or Shawn could get his new car, or whatever.

As I sit here contemplating this, there are some scripts awaiting my attention that need to be finished by the end of the day, but as usual, I'm balking at the idea of getting started.


One of our neighbours came by to introduce herself this afternoon, bringing her small son and a plate of a cookies to welcome us. It was very sweet.


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