Thursday, July 16, 2009

Time is my own and I feel so alive and I feel so alone

I talked to Jesse for an hour tonight when I got home from school. I'm astounded by the details he remembers about things I forgot such a long time ago. I'm troubled by his troubles, by the ways in which he's allowed himself to be taken advantage of. And I'm troubled by how fast he talks and how innocent he's allowed himself to remain in spite of how much hard living he's been through. Simply, I don't stop caring or appreciating how much he protected me from and I don't stop being concerned about what he might bring into my life. He's moving to the west coast soon and proposing all kinds of wholesome fun. Business and artistic ventures with me and with Shawn. All of it so wildly idealistic and beautiful. If someone had bothered to raise Jesse I think he might be someone entirely different.


I got my interview assignment back today with a grade of 100%. There's still one more interview due next Wednesday (which my partner and I have decided to do tomorrow) and then this course is essentially done. I'm getting a ridiculously good mark in this class and I don't really like the course at all. The other class, the one in which I attempt to dominate the world, is such a better class, but that's the one I'm more concerned about as far as marks go.


I really really really really miss Shawn and the puppies.

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