Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Now you are here

Three days down, fifteen more to go. Of course I should be, and actually am in spite of how I sound to myself, grateful for having a place to stay.

But other things stand as barriers to being fully content. Missing Shawn, mostly, and the pups. But also the fact that my mother gets up at 4:00 and rattles around while I'm here trying to sleep on this damn pull out couch.

And there are memories here that have surprised me with their strength and sharpness. I am finding that unexpectedly hard.

On the positive side, I got my most recent paper back with a grade of 29/30, which was a whole lot better than I anticipated. And tomorrow I am going to see Jenny and her new baby so I am excited about that.

Strangely, I've been feeling like not connecting with one old friend in particular because I feel rather like there's no longer anything in common.

Now that the painful two day orientation is over, classes are becoming interesting. Still... I really want to go home.

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