Monday, July 27, 2009

I don't care about anything that you think about anything.

Shawn and I had a fight today, which is a very rare thing in our world. Very rare. So it was particularly weird, and largely fueled, I suspect, by the fact that it was a steady 30 degrees in our house by 8:30 this morning as we were trying to lay tile. Misery. The tiling project was hijacked by this argument, and though we did manage to resolve it and make up fairly quickly, it seemed impossible to go back to the tiles and so we didn't. The tiles will wait until tomorrow morning, though it promises to be equally hot tomorrow, if not more so.

I've finished my courses now with an A+ and an A- (which aggravates me) and have some time off to become dumb again. I'm relishing that. Shawn is home for the rest of this week before he returns to work, and then I get to have August at home by myself (but with the kid). I'm praying by then the heat will have receded enough that I'll be able to do more than just move from the faucet to the ice tray.


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