Wednesday, May 21, 2008

debt's paid off but it don't feel gone

Frozen land, frozen minds
Frozen hands and frozen time
'Cause everything moves real slow when it's forty below
(from "The Canadian Dream" by Sam Roberts)


I tried a different allergy pill today and it was much better than the one I've been using previously.  The previous one didn't really do much for my allergies whatsoever and on top of that, it also made me feel fuzzy-headed and bleary.  The new one seems to do a better job of both problems.  So far.


Last night we had our first in-class session in learning to sail.  Now that I've seen Shawn's dad in class I see where Shawn gets his kookiness.  The two of them will undoubtedly compete the entire time to see which can be the most ridiculous and cause the greater mayhem.

The class, itself, was difficult for me.  I did try to get through the reading material prior to class but it was sooooo boring that I don't think I really retained any of it.  And much of it just simply didn't make sense to me.  My non-mathematical brain just can't easily grasp hold of concepts like sail angles and true wind versus apparent wind.  For some people these things just seem to be matter of fact, obvious even.  (Shawn understands with no effort.)  But for me, it's a struggle to bend my mind around these ideas, and even more so to hold on to them and repeat them back on command.  I hope very much that these things will make more sense to me once we're actually on the boat and I can see and feel them happening.  

We will be spending all day on a sailboat on Saturday, the four of us (me and Shawn and the inlaws) with an instructor.  With such a small group I expect there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and to get lots of hands-on experience.  I certainly hope so.  I have fears of failing the final exam at the end of the course due to my physics-resistant brain.


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