Sunday, February 24, 2008

rest his head on a pillow made of concrete

I put up a bird feeder in the backyard yesterday afternoon.  The salesperson at the store told me that it might take a few days for the birds to find it and start using it.  I also got a squirrel feeder because all the information I'd read about feeding wild birds said that squirrels will steal all the food unless one does one of two things, either: feed the squirrels something they like more than bird seed (peanuts or corn); or, get one of those magical squirrel-proof feeders that causes the squirrels to fall off when they try to eat from it.  I opted for the friendly approach and got the squirrels a treat that is made of cornmeal pressed into a cylinder that looks corn on the cob.  I put it up in a tree on one side of the yard, and the bird feeder on the other side.

I haven't seen any squirrels yet (but I think the squirrels in this neighbourhood are extremely well-fed judging by the number of peanut shells we find in the yard every day) but the bird feeder has been a smash hit.  It didn't take a few days or even a few hours.  As soon as I walked away from it, birds arrived.  I chose a type of seed that has many different kinds mixed together, and this is supposed to result in the greatest variety in types of birds who will use it.  It's fascinating to watch the ones with the little black heads (I think they are chickadees) who sift through the mix to find the black oil sunflower seeds and throw the rest on the ground.  This is a happy situation for the ground feeding birds who like to pick up whatever falls.
Because the bird feeder is on a tree near the kitchen window I can sit and watch them in the mornings while I have coffee.  Things like this that used to make me think my parents were the nerdiest people on the planet have become some of the greatest pleasures.   


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