Wednesday, February 06, 2008

in my defense

Last night I started reading the textbook for my new course in lieu of One Hundred Years of Solitude.  (How am I ever going to get through that thing?  And why do I feel I must?)  The textbook is written in that familiar, chatty way that modern textbooks are written , as though it's your friendly Uncle Joe telling you interesting facts across the dinner table, rather than a dry reference book.  I find that thing kind of off-putting, to have the author reach out to poke at me from inside a book, asking me how I would feel if that happened to me, or what I would do in same situation.  I like making that leap on my own when and if I feel so inclined.  However, I guess it's preferable to trying to excavate facts from a dry reference book, and since the material itself is something I find extremely interesting, I can get over my aversion to that writing style.  Sad, really, that I am finding the textbook a more enjoyable read than the novel.  Apparently, if I finish these two courses by September I will be eligible to apply for the program I want, and this gives me more time than I thought I had because I thought I had to finish them by the application deadline, May 15th.  According to their website, I just have to register by the application deadline.  Check!


I attended my first book club meeting today after school, after coming home briefly to feed the pups.  Like always, before leaving the house to attend this social event, I had a small inner battle where the phobic Lisa wanted to stay home and avoid talking to people.  There are always all kinds of excuses to justify that choice -- the dogs will be lonely, I'm tired, there are things at home I should be doing, blah blah blah.  In the end, I decided to pull myself together and just go and I think it was a good thing I did.  I wouldn't say the conversation was terribly enlightening, but it was definitely more enlightening than laundry or television would have been.  I was mildly surprised by the fact that this group seems uninterested and unwilling to read anything but light stuff, but certainly couldn't say I cared enough to argue about it.  I can read whatever I want on my own.  I asked if any of them had survived One Hundred Years of Solitude and none of them had.


Shawn will be home soon and we're supposed to go to the gym tonight.  I have a slight headache (maybe from the weather change) and as usual, am half hoping he decides not to go so I can blame him for my laziness.  He's so lucky to have me.  :)


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