Saturday, February 09, 2008

how could I ever forget?

My Abnormal Psychology class is so interesting that I am devouring the textbook.  One Hundred Years of Solitude is abandoned once again.  I especially like the book on Case Studies.  Yesterday's case study was O.J. Simpson, an interesting case indeed.  While the whole legal/trial aspect of his life story never particularly interested me, his psychological case history is fascinating. 


The cabinet installer is coming here this morning to finally add the last missing door to our cupboards (he had to fix one that was scratched).  After that we are going to the Boat Show with Shawn's Dad and stepmom.  I made the mistake, once, of blurting out that I wanted a sailboat (this after several glasses of wine) and suddenly all of them are dying to go look at boats and imagine what life would be like with one.  

Shawn and his father are both very excited by stuff - big screen tv, cars, electronics, etcetera etcetera, and I've been growing increasingly bewildered by the ever-growing piles of stuff finding their way into our home and lives.  I don't think I care about stuff in the same way.  Not that I can't appreciate nice things, and I have been really enjoying planning out the new kitchen... but I guess I mean I don't really care about whether I watch tv on a small set or a 50 inch plasma... or whether my furniture is solid wood or plasterboard.  Shawn does care about these things.  Sometimes it makes me feel a little panicked when he wants to buy and buy and buy stuff... because I've always been a cautious spender.  And he tends to believe in enjoying what one has.  Not that he's reckless or stupid with money, I think it's me who is too careful.  

But I think a line needs to be drawn in the water here.  No boat.  


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