Monday, April 30, 2007

place all items

I expected my morning to be easy and smooth. It wasn't.

At the first school, D needed a venting session. He wanted to tell me about the things that had been annoying him for the last five weeks culminating in the final evaluation. By the time I got to him, he and K had already hashed it out and come to some agreements, but he still needed some decompression. I listened. I soothed.

At school 2, N wasn't finished writing her evaluation. S invited me to sit in the staffroom and wait. Small talk, chit chat, smile, giggle, nod nod, wink, laugh. Then N appeared to tell me she was nowhere near finished and wanted me to come back later.

On to school 3. At school 3, A needed to talk about how her evaluation was received by The Most Difficult Student Teacher in the History of the World. Apparently TMDSTitHotW was quite bullish about the whole thing in spite of having shown no signs of life up until this point. She, A, simply wanted reassurance that she did the right thing in sticking to her guns. I assured her she had. She thanked me. She gave me a card and a coffee card. Sweet thing - I wanted to invite her for beer one day, but decided to wait until the term is over and I am no longer in this role.

School 4. Two out of five had not brought their evaluation forms to the office to be picked up and this necessitated the secretaries harassing them in their classes. One in particular (the same irritating man who was late with his evaluation last time) hadn't done it whatsoever, claiming he was unable to access the password-protected document. Of course this would indicate he'd only started to write his evaluation that morning and hadn't bothered to read his email for the last week. Sigh. It was agreed through gritted teeth that I will return to school 4 again tomorrow to retrieve the errant evaluation.

This means my job is not quite finished, but I'm a whole lot closer. All told, these events took about three hours.

I expected the afternoon to be harrowing and tedious. It wasn't. I finished both documents before Shawn finished work for the day and am prepared to carry on tomorrow where I wanted to be.

Strange how these things go.

And now it's time to go get Shawn from work, get some dinner, and go to the dealership to look at cars. Stupid cars. Heh.


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