Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I spent a large portion of the afternoon chipping ice off the driveway. I shovel snow all the time, but when the car drives over the driveway before I get a chance to shovel, it packs the snow down tightly, and repeated driving over the same spots makes the snow turn to ice. For no good reason I decided I wanted to chip off the strips of ice that look like tire treads.

There is only one person in the world I know of who would truly have appreciated the obsessiveness that drove the ice-chipping project: Crazy Big Eyes. I wished she was here to see me. She would have been so proud. Denim Hat might have been pleased too. She would have watched through her window and clicked her tongue like soft applause.

Merry Christmas Crazy Big Eyes. Merry Christmas Denim Hat.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My eyes are small. But I would have brought over my shovel and helped out, because I can completely get behind any show of obsessiveness such as that.