Wednesday, April 09, 2008

don't think twice (it's alright)

My student teacher is one of the most literal-minded adults I've ever met.  He thinks and acts in absolutes and seems completely unaware of subtleties, nuances, hints, or anything that isn't stated explicitly.  When I ask him to do something he takes that to mean he should do that thing in all cases all the time forever and ever amen.  He can't figure out where it applies and where it doesn't.  

When I told him that the kids needed to have more fun and game-like activities in the Drama class and less time spent lecturing, he arrived with an arsenal of games to take up the entire class.  No learning to be had today!  Fun fun fun!  When I told him that classroom management was his responsibility and that he shouldn't be relying upon the grade twelve teacher assistant to make the kids behave for him, he took that to mean that he should prevent her from doing anything and basically isolated her in the corner of the room and told her to stay out of everything.

He can't modify a direction to fit his own personality or needs.  He simply takes everything I say as literal and absolute.  It's exhausting.  It's forcing me to think about what I mean to say a lot more carefully than I'm used to.  I'm trying to embrace this as an opportunity to become a better teacher... but I'm getting worn out.  So are the students.



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