Friday, July 09, 2010

Don't be concerned, you know I'll be fine on my own. (I never said, "Don't go".)

There is a man in my graduate studies program who freaks me out. The way he writes makes me certain something is wrong with him. This is an odd observation to make based only on reading someone else's writing, but I feel absolutely positive something is wrong with him unless English is not his first language. And I do not have that impression. English is not my first language; usually, I can tell. He writes things like, "Hello friends from away", and, "I too adore narrative therapy" and after long diatribes about his opinions... "Do you agree?". I find him... effusive. (These small samples do not capture what I see.)

I find him effusive in a way that strikes me as false, like an alien who has observed the behaviours of humans and is now attempting to imitate them but not really feeling the things he says he feels, not really experiencing the emotions he seems to utilize in his writing. Not effusive like an unemployed actor who would like to have sex with someone. People "like" him in the forum, which is absurd in the first place because we are virtual students and though many of us have met in real life at various institutes requiring face-to-face sessions, we don't really "know" each other for the most part. I never met this person at institute. But I think he is a sociopath and I am totally serious about that. I recognize the affect. I might be being sociopathic myself in thinking this about a stranger based on his writing --- but I believe this man has something severely wrong with him.

I am not saying this based on nothing. I recognize something. My sister was a sociopath. Which does not mean I did not love her very much. But she was a sociopath long before the opiates destroyed the rest. It was a total slash and burn. I am far too familiar with what that really means. Once you really know it, you can spot it from away.


Shawn didn't go to work today. I like it when he doesn't go to work.


This is the truth. I think I only want to see Jesse because he will give me a cigarette.



heartinsanfrancisco said...

I have no doubt you are picking up something about this guy. I have known people who fit your description of aliens mimicking human behavior w/o really understanding it emotionally, and they were also sociopaths. Can I assume he doesn't know where you live since you've never met him in person?

Is your first language French?

mischief said...

Our cities are listed in our online profiles but beyond that providing personal information to other students is totally at our own discretion. I haven't given out any information. I do not think Psycho has any specific interest in me, though.

Yes, French, is my first language but somehow no one in my family really uses it anymore. I have lost much of it.