Sunday, January 18, 2009

birdwatching days

For the love of god.

Yesterday we took Little J to visit her mother. The supervisor drove them to a coffee shop where, Little J reported, her mother seemed out of it, was slurring, and had trouble keeping her eyes open.

Following this, they decided to go to the mall because Little J had a gift certificate left over from Christmas that she wanted to spend. When they arrived at the mall, they stepped out of the car and C began digging madly in her purse. Assuming she was looking for a cigarette, the supervisor told C that she and Little J would meet her inside the mall at the "Old Navy" which was just inside the main door.

So, off they went, supervisor and Little J, and began to shop. Little J tried on clothes while the supervisor watched the door for C to appear. Forty minutes later, Little J had found a couple of pairs of pajamas, paid for them and was ready to go. And C still hadn't turned up.

The went outside and looked for her by the doors. She wasn't there.

They went to the car. She wasn't there.

They drove around the parking lot and she was nowhere to be found.

Idiot was so stoned she'd wandered off somewhere and gotten lost.

Finally, with time pressing in on them, the supervisor had to leave C lost somewhere in the parking lot and bring Little J back to the meeting spot for us to pick her up. The supervisor called C's boyfriend to tell him what had happened and he went off to try and find her.

Apparently he was successful because when Little J called the house a couple of hours later to check, her mother was there. He put her on the phone but she was so overdosed she was making absolutely no sense, slurring and mumbling and saying things that were completely nonsensical.

Little J: What happened to you?

C: I wasshhh........ couldn't.........I some can see... what did you do about... looked on the.... awwssshhhhhssss....

Little J: WHAT??

C: I can try to find the... aaahwahassss... on the computer it was so ....... feel about that...aawssshhhhhhh...

Little J: Mum, what are you talking about??

C: mmmhh...... can........gggurrrr.....

Little J: I'm hanging up now. Bye.

It was sickening. After the phone call I expected Little J to be upset and went to her, prepared to comfort her. I asked if she was okay. She said very nonchalantly that she was fine. I said, "Are you sure?" She said, "Oh yeah, she used to do that at home all the time. That's normal."



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