Tuesday, February 12, 2013


In the interest of honesty, I want to admit I do not really know what Twitter actually is.  I know that when you talk to Twitter you put a #hashtag after your comment, and that makes it magically fall into a category where other Twits can find it.  I know that you're supposed to tell Twitter what you're doing all the time because people who read Twitter want to know what you're doing all the time.

sitting on the couch    #sitting
beside Shawn    #husbands
who is reading his Kindle    #slave to corporation   #literature
with a dog asleep on his chest    #love 
thinking about Twitter    #Twitter
with a half finished glass of water beside me    #water    #beverage
on the arm of the couch    #sofa  #couch  #settee  #chesterfield
that looks a bit precarious    #imminent spill 
and now thinking about the fact that my grandparents always called their couch the "settee"    #settee

I'm pretty sure it goes something like that.  Like the Documenters with all their photographs, except the Twits do it with words instead.  I think I could learn to use Twitter because I like words to document my insipidity.  It makes me feel more important.



Nic said...

People are using the # as a sort of comic effect now. I use it even though I don't have a twitter account. I suppose I must think it's funny. I am thinking that, to others, it probably isn't. Maybe I should stop. #thinkingsherselfhumourousisprobablynotagoodquality

mischief said...

I think it is rather funny, which must be why I was doing it in this post. WIthout understanding it, it has seeped into my subconscious.