Thursday, January 26, 2012

comes with a free fake smile

Today is one of those wonderful days when school is not in session although teachers are still expected to report to work.  Exams are being written, but this year we are not assigned to invigilate them because we are on a pretend strike, also called "job action", in which we do not do a certain number of the extra things we usually do (things that aren't actually in our job description) in an effort to annoy the administration.  Why it is that we want to annoy the administration, as they have no say in our salaries or working conditions, is beyond my grasp.  I think it means the government has successfully divided two groups of people who should be working together to convince the government to properly fund education, but whatever, it's probably more fun to focus our energies on annoying the boss.

The point is that I have to be inside the building but once I get there, I have nothing to do.  Sure, I can prepare myself for next semester, get a few lesson plans organized, tidy my desk, that kind of thing.  But I've been a teacher long enough that I don't really need any time to do these things.  Lesson plans are all in my head, and I know how to operate with a messy desk.

I'm bringing a book, of course.  But what else?

I've been thinking of rereading The Great Gatsby to see if I still love it.  I have this sneaking suspicion that the last time I read it I just loved it because of J's attachment to it, and his overbrimming analogies.  Of course when you pay closer attention to James Gatz, he's telling you that he fell in love with an idea rather than with a woman.  The woman herself was vapid and shallow and cold.  But the idea of her was so warm.  Maybe that is what J meant.  Actually maybe I hate The Great Gatsby.

Time to go to work.



Jerry said...

I think I am supposed to read the Great Gatsby. It is one of 'those' books. I will try to garner some enthusiasm for the effort. Maybe tomorrow...

mischief said...

It really is an excellent book. All personal connections aside, I truly love this book. Read it!

J.B. Chicoine said...

I haven't read the Great Gatsby...I'm a little embarrassed...and I'm also afraid to close this browser window and not be able to get back in here!

Nic said...

James has it right. How many times have we fallen for a delusion. Sigh, oh sigh.

I loved those school days. I loved watching 'those' ones at their desks shuffling papers with seriousness, 'those' ones who pretended to shuffle papers with pretend seriousness, and me, who did eff all.

xx P

mischief said...

Bridget, I hope you are able to get back in here! And I hope you can find a 50 cent copy of Gatsby in a used bookstore... it's a lovely book, but the world is filled with abandoned copies, so no need to buy one new.

Pixie, exactly. All parts of that are familiar.