Sunday, April 25, 2010

We both agree that my bra is soft and comfortable.



ivy been a little absent lately said...

Best picture ever. Ever.

mischief said...

Heehee, I love his pensive little face. (You have been more than a little absent lately; I've felt bereft without you.)

heartinsanfrancisco said...

But don't dogs need 3 or 4 bras to cover all their titties? 1 hardly gets it, no matter how soft and comfortable it is.

mischief said...

He's (was) a boy-dog, so he's allowed to go topless. Actually we let the girl-dog go topless too... we're very liberal around here.

ac said...

I'd have the same dreamy look on my face in his position. :-)

heartinsanfrancisco said...

I'm glad to hear that. I've always thought it most unfair that guys with man boobs far larger than my girls are allowed to burn out eyeballs on beaches while my far nicer ones must be covered at all times.

mischief said...

ac, you twit, there is nobody *in* the bra.

Heart, I agree. It's completely unfair. Do you propose that the men cover up or that the women be freed? (or both?)

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Either works for me, as long as it's equal.

mischief said...

But what about the inherent inequalities between dogs and humans? I have only two to cover, but the dogs have six (I think), and once again it seems unfair. Equal doesn't always mean the same, I think. Going without would be easier but it's sort of cold-ish here in the winter. This needs more thought, maybe.

Anonymous said...

I am taking a math class.

Today I got my nails done with lettering on them. LOVE on the four fingers of one hand. MATH on the four fingers of the other hand.

When I showed my teacher, she said that I'm the biggest suck-up in the world. I couldn't have asked for a better reaction.


mischief said...

Hah, you *are* the biggest suck-up in the world! Do you really love math or are you trying to convince yourself? If so, I hope it works. Also, when you say you got your nails done, do you mean you had someone else paint the words "love" and "math" on your fingernails? And if so, did that person have any questions for you? What did you say? Can you show me a picture of it please? (I would write this in nailpolish if I could.)
