Friday, April 09, 2010

it washes me away

I have a three week break between courses and I'm bored. Is it possible there are only the two extremes: overworked and bored? I need deadlines, I need pressure, I need something to be annoyed about.

GDJ called me on Wednesday - the first time since Christmas. He wants me to write a few scripts. Simple dialogue. It's just a matter of being hilarious on command but I don't feel particularly hilarious at the moment. I feel tired. But I took the job anyway because I need something to keep me awake. Mirth to follow.

And last night there was an old friend who contacted me. I wasn't really as excited as I'd have expected. Sometimes old friends connect you with versions of yourself you miss. Because I have known this friend very well for nearly fifteen years she connects me to many versions of myself - but I can't seem to work up much feeling for any of them. Because I am bored, I am very very boring.



Anonymous said...

i like the way you write. i think i can almost hear your accent, whatever it may be.
-just me

ac said...

You aren't boring. (ehC)

Spindrift said...

I really like your writing style. I've only just come across your blog but you've had me thinking about a few things already, thanks.
I'm not really sure about your dating and such, and you say you have OCD, but, well, um, I can't believe you cut your grass once a week. Sorry, I had to say it, it's been on my mind all day.
I wait, and wait, and wait, until it's too long to mow without a great deal of effort.
Every week, maybe you don't literally mean every week. That's a lot of mowing. The last time I mowed the lawn I mowed most of, I left un mown parts for next time and half of the long bits around the edges. I like it, you can see where I just quit mid way through cutting the edges. I told my wife to have a look and she laughed. As you say though, instant satisfaction. It's out doorsy and good exercise.

mischief said...

anon, thank you. I am accent-less, a perfect neutral.

ac, the fact you keep coming back here proves that *you* are boring. x

Spindrift, the description of your lawn with long bits you're saving for later makes my eye twitch. I can tell by the fact that your wife can laugh at this that she does not have OCD! This is exactly why my husband cannot be trusted with important things like mowing. He can take care of less important things, like banking, but if he does the mowing he's bound to miss a patch somewhere. I do mow once a week most weeks because I live where it rains perpetually and the grass grows like jungle. Thank you for your note. Now I'm reading you.


mischief said...

I'm looking out the window at the back lawn. I mow it every other week, I was wrong. On alternate weeks I mow the front lawn. So although I mow every week each part is only cut every other week. Now it makes more sense maybe.