Monday, October 26, 2009

we're rolling neon lights

On Saturday afternoon I caused a car accident. This was two minutes after I figured out who you were. I figured it out while I was driving. And then I hit a blue Mazda. I pulled over to the curb and found paper and a pen to write out information. I was less shaken by the car accident.

I wondered who else's name I've written. I'd hate for A*l*e*c B*a*l*d*w*i*n to show up or something. I hate that guy.

But I'm glad you were here just now, just as glad as I was the first time with you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As my goal is to try and ruin your life I'm going to take full credit for the accident. Seriously, I feel like I owe you another apology!

As I've read everything you've written I don't think you have to worry about any other names. That's right, I've read it all. When you get the restraining order just let me know, I'll get you a current mailing address.