Saturday, October 31, 2009

Beware of spiritual leaders with business cards

It's practice only. Which is good because I'm getting it partly wrong.

Emerging (add):
running away from

Case 1.

A Priori:
And having realized (in time) that I was wrong; I do not, in fact, want to have children at all. It's fortunate to have determined this before making the mistake of trying to do so. It would have been a big mistake.
{How is it that I make these decisions alone?} {How can this observation be coded?}{Is it actually emerging and not a priori?}

L&R Review:

Mistapeo dwells in the heart and is immortal.

It makes more sense to me like that but I am not sure I understand framework analysis yet.

This is frustrating. It's filling in too slowly, my brain is lopsided and I've taken up too much space with things I don't need and can't use. The part that's supposed to be able to chart and code is clogged with things like Master of all Masters, get out of your barnacle and put on your squibs and crackers... I waste so much space. It's no wonder I can't think.



Anonymous said...

See, I knew we shared the same belief system. This whole framework has a bit of a qualitative stench about it, which I enjoy.

As best I can gather, you access as much relevant info as you can, and then try to pull out some details that form a pattern and allow you to assign meaning, and hopefully better inform future choices.

Which is pretty much how you go about analyzing fiction. I knew you believed in fiction!

See I like the big questions, are patterns invented to explain events or are they discovered? Physics types love to claim discovered, until the only way to get from step 2 to step 4 in solving the equation is through imaginary numbers. Really, magic? Is this not a rationalization to justify the system rather than an actual explanation? Is Psychology really any different in it's need for symbolic patterns? I swear to you metaphors are all we have because it's all language can give us.

I look at your original list of "emerging" and accept for the diagnostic terms, and the dogs, that is pretty much my life, which perhaps explains why on more than one occasion I've considered therapy. Then I remember my good friend alcohol forgetting all the bad things she has done to me.

Eventually I just run away to a new life every couple of years. You know how some people claim they still feel 25, I actually completely stopped evolving at about 23.

mischief said...

Quantitative analysis is next in the syllabus. I may not finish grad school. Fiction analysis works like this too? I hated English in university. I don't like categorizing things that I revere - it feels like blasphemy to examine it so closely. (It's so strange that passion plays are actually about religion, about which I find it so difficult to muster any passion.)

The thing is that I really *want* to understand numbers but the process of learning is so mind numbing I can't make myself do it. I'd rather be a scientist, I'd rather be an astronomer. For real. My inability to work with numbers is why I can't really do anything with my ideas about light because without the quantitative data to back up the qualitative observations it's not credible or even very meaningful. All I can do with it is go round in circles in my head looking for my mistake.

(I have another qualitative *untested* light theory, however, which is designed to answer your question about who I think you are.)