Sunday, September 20, 2009

In the midst of writing rude things about caraway seeds, caraway seeds prevented me from accidentally ingesting a bug. I don't know whether to call it a maggot or a worm or a caterpillar, but it was in that family, tiny and white, crawling along the edge of my cracker as I tried to pick off the caraway seeds.

When I went to look at the box of crackers I found that a family of this creature were living inside the box, and not only that, but that there was an extended family dining on a bag of sunflower seeds, and another chowing down on a bag of flax seeds. Apparently we can't leave food in plastic bags in the cupboards because these critters aren't slowed down by plastic bags one bit.

So I take back all the cruel things I said about caraway. Thank you, caraway, for stopping me from eating worms, and thank you for leading me to clean my cupboards which were filled with them.


I'm seriously considering going to bed now.

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