Monday, December 29, 2008

if you feel yourself starting to weaken

Today I watched one of those stupid talk shows where they have a drug addict on who cries in all the right places and says she must, she must, she MUST! change so that she can be there for her children. And I think it's all supposed to be very uplifting and optimistic because who doesn't want to believe that that women went into rehab and got well and came home to her loving family who were oh-so-eager to have her back and welcomed her with open arms.

Those shows aren't really very uplifting though, for me, because my addict is much worse off than the ones on tv who are supposed to be in such bad shape. These women, at least, get dressed once in awhile. They brush their teeth and they comb their hair. They even recognize they have a problem even if they find themselves unable to do anything about it. At least they say they want to do something to change their lives. C, instead, says that life was better on crack and wishes she'd never entered rehab because now it's so much more difficult to screw around her doctor, the pharmacists, and the social services system.

Never fear, though. She'll find a way. She always does.

They say addicts only have three options: sober up, be locked up, or be covered up (ie: shroud). I don't think that's necessarily true, or at least not as immediate as they make it sound. I think C can go on and on and on like this for a long time.


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