Thursday, April 17, 2014

This morning RDub offerrd to commit a small murder on my behalf.  I thought this was surprisingly chivalrous of him, but on second thought it occurs to me that this is one of the reasons I like him so much.  The fact that he is unnecessarily large, a big voice, big unruly hair, big hands.  Big convictions, big commitments.  I like these things in men - against my will.  Against my cultivated desire to be independent and self-reliant, instinctually I am drawn to these cave men who want to protect me by clubbing aggressors over the head.  I do not really want RDub to commit a felony on my behalf (because I want to do it myself), but I really appreciated his offer.



Secret Agent Woman said...

Catching up. Yes, I also like someone bigger and stronger offering to do someone in for me.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a staring competition and the other party isn't looking. Look away.

mischief said...

Yes, it makes me feel guilty for liking it, but I do anyway.

Look away is VERY fine advice.