Sunday, March 16, 2014


Tomorrow we are leaving for Italy.  Then France, then Spain.  I have not packed yet, a problem I am dealing with by thinking about how I should have packed already.  But not, you know, actually packing.  I do not understand people who begin packing weeks before they go somewhere.  What makes people think they won't need their toothbrush or their blue sweater in the time before they leave?  I am a day of kind of packer.   When I am going far and going for awhile, I might be organized enough to make a list, but that's the best I can manage.



Secret Agent Woman said...

I'm definitely an advance packer. But I have a travel toorhbrush.

Bon Voyage!

Unknown said...

did you forget to pack anything?

mischief said...

A travel toothbrush is a fine idea. In fact, British Airways distributed them as gifts along with the barf bags, tiny little toothbrushes with tiny little toothpastes. Made my thirty hours of travel less revolting.

I did not forget to pack anything that I meant to bring, but I did seriously underestimate how cold it would be in Spain. I needed warmed clothes than I brought.