Wednesday, December 04, 2013

when you're a stranger

Seriously.  My workplace has become an asylum.

Today while I was in the photocopy room copying scripts (illegally) I witnessed a P.E. teacher have a complete meltdown.  She was looking for a fieldtrip form, but she couldn't find it because the new accountant has moved everything.  She was slamming around and yelling and losing her shit all over the place.  Then she took a fistful of money she had collected for her fieldtrip and shoved it under the accountant's locked office door without filling out any of the paperwork that would have explained what it was.

There are twelve work days left until Christmas break.  I hope we all make it.



Secret Agent Woman said...

Difference in our fields - I read scripts and first assumed you were illegally copying prescriptions. I was a little surprised.

mischief said...

Why is it illegal to photocopy prescriptions?

Secret Agent Woman said...

I don't know if it is, unless you try to pass them off as new prescriptions.