Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Two roads converged in a wood and I, I took the one less traveled by...and ended up lost in the wilderness for 4 days, was almost eaten by a cougar, nearly froze and starved to death and the search team had to air lift me to the hospital.

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  • 2 people like this.
  • Some girl
    OMG. That is insane. When did this happen?
    56 minutes ago · Like

  • J
     I am just kidding lol...I was making fun of a new age poster I sometimes see. You know the one, the Robert Frost quote about choosing the road less traveled by having made all the difference.

    54 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 1

  • Some girl
     hahaha.....well, there you have it...I'm slow to catch on. Need more coffee.  Have a happy new year J!! Glad you're ok. haha
    52 minutes ago · Like · 1
  • J
     Have a great New Year as well  thanks for caring though lol!
    49 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 1

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