Thursday, November 22, 2012

magic shows

I kicked Smokey out of the play.  She bailed out on rehearsal again today.  This sort of thing doesn't happen a lot when you teach Theatre because kids are almost always taking the course because they want to be there.  I have become so cocksure of the awesomeness of my program that when someone doesn't seem to love it, I feel confused.  I don't know how to respond.  I gave Smokey way too many chances, and kept thinking that she just needed some love.  In fact what she needed was a kick in the ass, and I missed my window of opportunity to deliver it when it might have made a difference.  And now it's too late and I consider us both to have failed in this regard.  I'd still like to kick her mother though.  That would make me feel better.

The show goes up next week, which means a week of fourteen hour days.  The fourteen hour days make me tired, really really tired.  Not to jinx it, but I have not taken a sick day yet this school year.  I think that a sick day or two would fit nicely somewhere between the end of the show and the start of Christmas break.


Black Friday mystifies me.  No one in Canada used to know what Black Friday even meant.  Now we are inundated with American advertising, and especially here, encouraged to cross the border and spend our dollars in the States.  This, of course, has meant that Canadian companies need to compete, and now Black Friday is becoming part of Canadian culture too.  I just cannot imagine, no matter how hard I try, anything I would hate more than mall shopping all night long and into the next day.  (Oh yes, wait, there is something worse.  Boxing Day.)



Nic said...

Had the same with choir, the little buggers. Shame because it was hard enough to get primary school boys interested in the choir simply because it wasn't football.But it tended to be the boys who got kicked out.

I hope the show goes well.

mischief said...

Thanks Nic. Yeah, I hate kicking people out. But sometimes it's necessary. Thankfully, not very often. x