Sunday, November 22, 2009

quod erat inveniendum

In the middle of trying - unsuccessfully - to calculate standard deviations for my research project, abhorring how even deviance needs to be standardized, the answer to a different question entirely came clear. The reason for the preference for travelling backward through time. It's mathematical.

Because when you go forward, 4+4 only has one answer = 8. If you make the chain longer you just wait longer for the answer but there's still only one possible result, there's only one way to be right, and it makes the whole thing pointless.

But when you start at the end of the equation with 8= there are endless possibilities, so many right answers you almost can't miss if you try at all. 8 still equals 4 plus 4 but that's only one way of looking at it. I need there to be lots of ways of looking at it.


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