Friday, November 06, 2009

Don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

GDJ just contacted me for the first time in about a year and a half. Since the last time I spoke with him, he's moved here. Surprise. He wants to meet to talk about the possibility of working for him again. After my last contract with him ended I assumed that I had either done something wrong with the writing, or had done something wrong to upset him ... (me me me it's all about me) because after the contract was done, he just disappeared. So to hear that he's living nearby and offering me a job was a surprise. Is it surprising that I'm thinking of taking it? I'm trying to remember what it was like to work for him and I realize that my memories of it, of everything maybe, are completely unreliable, coloured entirely by other events that were happening at the same time, and maybe even by what's happening now. Memories shouldn't rely upon contrast, but these ones do. I probably just want what I haven't got. But I need to think more.

But Friday = wine. So I'll think tomorrow.


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