Friday, December 16, 2022


Last night I learned about "hot chocolate bombs", something I have managed to avoid coming across long past the peak of the trend. Yesterday I received a pretty (unlabelled) little gift box with a pretty little (unlabelled) chocolatey-looking thing inside it. With no knowledge of hot chocolate bombs, I made the assumption it was some kind of pastry, like a cream puff or something like that. Being the generous soul that I am, when I got home from work, I asked S to share this cream puff with me, and he agreed. Because we share cooties, I figured I would bite it and then hand over the other half. When you bite into a hot chocolate bomb, the chocolate shell shatters like glass, spraying shards of chocolate in all directions. And the powdery middle explodes, bomb-like, in a choking cloud of chocolate dust. And the intensity of the chocolate, which would probably taste nice if it was diluted in hot milk, is sickeningly strong and overpoweringly sweet. So don't bite a hot chocolate bomb if you can avoid it. You pobably won't like it.

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