Tuesday, February 13, 2018

We'll do it together, Morris.

I used to have a t-shirt that read, "Lord Jesus, your sheep have sharp teeth" across the chest, and there was a picture of a cute lamb with evil looking vampire teeth.  I had no idea what this meant, and I also have no idea what happened to that shirt.  I liked it a lot.  It is possible that I was wearing a doomsday Christian message, much like the man on the corner of 152 and Fraser who wears a sandwich board, "Repent, Jesus Comes", and didn't even know it.

Today I am skipping work because I intentionally scheduled a dentist appointment in the middle of the day, which allows me to take the whole day off without feeling like I am doing the wrong thing.  My first "sick" day this year.  I messaged T to let her know I would help her with her purchase order later and she responded, "We'll do it together, Morris." Autocorrect slays me sometimes.  Shawn and I went for breakfast and sunrise walk on the beach.  It helps me envision retirement.  Shawn found a phone on the sand; the owner called it an hour later, and now they are meeting at a coffee shop to hand it back.  These kinds of chance meetings fascinate me.  Who is she?

B stopped texting, which probably means he picked up my (subtle?) hint.  I don't want to hurt his feelings but isn't it more hurtful to encourage him to think something that isn't so?  I can't remember how to do this; it has been a long time since I have been in this sort of a situation.


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