Saturday, February 10, 2018

may your heart always be ardent

It is possible that B thinks we are dating.  (Is that really possible?)  It may be my fault; I asked him to go to see Paul Simon with me - mostly because I want to see Paul Simon but also because I like B, and largely because I am exuberant when I am drinking wine.  The next day he asked me to see another concert with him, a band I do not know.  And now he has begun texting me things throughout the day, innocuous enough... but I am unsure how to respond.

Through most of my twenties and thirties I drove Shawn mad being that girl who never thought anyone was hitting on me, that everyone was just friendly.  And now in my forties - my sensible-slash-paranoid decade when no one should be remotely interested in hitting on me at all, I am picking up something that feels a bit strange.  Like, I think B is testing the waters to see what I might do.  He's a sweet guy, quite shy, rather introverted, and I do not believe he will try anything.  But I do believe that he is waiting to see if I have enough wine if I'll accidentally fall into bed with him.  And that makes me nervous because I am always quite likely to have too much wine, and I prefer being able to rely on others to have clear boundaries when mine get porous.

Will I have to go to these concerts sober?  (!!)  Being in a crowd of several thousand people without a buzz seems implausible.


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