Friday, February 16, 2018

that's all i'm qualified to be

There was a strange period of time in my life that I seemed to have the power to conjure up people by talking about or thinking about them.  It worked on former boyfriends, former teachers, former colleagues, and strangely enough it even once worked on a celebrity.  That is to say, I mentioned him and then suddenly he was there, in a Pub in downtown Winter Prairie.  My friends were super impressed.  This was how it worked on all of them.  I would say something like, Remember so-and-so, how they used to do such-and-such?  And then right after I said it, so-and-so would show up, just like magic.  But I only possessed this magic for a short period of time, about six weeks one summer, around 1998.  The power went away before I could use it to try and summon Chris Cornell.  (If you didn't know me and you read this you would think I had delusions of reference.)


B did not stop texting me, and I did not stop responding.  I have gone back to thinking he just wants a friend.  And I can be that.  Maybe he wants to be my work-husband, which is a platonic position.  My first work-husband was Dodo, and I can never really replace him.  But maybe B would like to be my second most loved work-husband.


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