Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Please prove you're not a robot.

When I type a comment into a friend's blog, the filter always asks me to prove I am not a robot by performing some sort of trick that is, apparently, something only a human can do.  Does the fact it allows me to post prove that I am not, actually, a robot?  Doubtful.  I am pretty sure I am a robot.

I see it in my own eyes; they betray my secret in the mirror when I brush my teeth.  Robot.  I go to work, I juggle and dance, I smile, I sigh.  I pretend I am filled with energy, I pretend I am engaged.  I pretend because it convinces me.  There is nothing to gain by convincing anyone else, and even if there was, no one else is watching.  Robotlike, I get dressed, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to bed.  I smile, I laugh.  It's artificial intelligence.  Robot

My productivity has dropped to about 50%.  I have called a hiatus for the rest of this month from congregating, rehearsing, from torturing one another with our obnoxious presence.  I vant to be alone.  It is dark at 4:30pm and my body tells me to go to bed.  No one notices I am not working.  I have begun to invest more energy in evasion than in doing.  (This year's October is brought to you by January.)



Secret Agent Woman said...

Well, that doesn't sound good. :(

mischief said...

Yeah... experiencing a bit of teacher burnout, I think, which is unfortunate just coming off Christmas break. Although my job is very rewarding when it is rewarding, it can also be very draining at times. Like most jobs, I imagine.