Thursday, April 21, 2011

The order in which I hate the Baldwin brothers from least to most.

4.  Billy Baldwin

3.  Alec Baldwin

2.  Daniel Baldwin

1.  Stephen Baldwin



heartinsanfrancisco said...

Thank you for this! I hate them too, but have never attempted to quantify my respective hatreds.

secret agent woman said...

I never can remember who Daniel Baldwin is. I can't say I have strong feelings about them either way, although just yesterday I was telling my sons about the Shweddy Balls skit on SNL.

mischief said...

They're all so detestable I find it an ongoing challenge to decide which one I hate most. Daniel is a coke fiend who likes to steal cars. Not sure if that separates him from his brothers though.

Jerry said...

I'm not a fan of Alec Baldwin...and don't know the others. But if you hate 'em, I figure I wouldn't like them much either.

mischief said...

Nope, and they wouldn't like us either.