Wednesday, December 22, 2010

... now I know it's better if we don't all sound the same

K is back from Holland, without his wife, though she is back too.  They have decided on another separation.  He isn't moving back in with us.  He has found an apartment in Kits which is sort of miraculous.  He came by here tonight to see Shawn and greeted me by calling me Olive Oyl, which I did not appreciate terribly much.  I wanted to -- but didn't -- ask him whether he meant the cartoon Olive or the Shelley Duvall Olive.  And whether he was referencing my very sexy schoolmarm knot-of-hair (perfect for sauna-ing), my deep husky voice, or whether it was my luscious body that drew the comparison.  I have never been called Olive Oyl before and I do not believe it is a compliment no matter which way I look at it.  I think I am beginning to understand things from K's wife's point of view.



heartinsanfrancisco said...

When Shelley Duvall's agent called her to report that he had found the perfect role, the one she was born to play, she asked him what that could be. He said, "Olive Oyl." She replied, "Of course."

But I digress. I'm sure it was your sexy sauna schoolmarm bun.

AC said...

lol you make me laugh so much sometimes. Shelley Duvall is beauiful by the way just a bit awkward. Or if the above is right maybe you just finally found your perfect role. "Popeyeeee!!!"


mischief said...

@heart - I think she *was* born to play Olive Oyl, and I like that she recognized her own inherent Olive Oyl-ness. (Should I perhaps stop fighting it and embrace my own too?)

Ace - I like her, but find her odd and awkward as well. My perfect role, you think.

AC said...

Merry Christmas beautiful.

Jerry said...

I figure you are you and are beyond comparison with anyone else. I think I too understand Kit's wife's point of view.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish the very best for you during this new year.

Warmest wishes,


secret agent woman said...

Olive Oyl? I don't believe I'd like that much either. Wonder why men don't get that you are only allowed to say positive things about a woman's appearance?

mischief said...

Ace, thank you and hope yours was good too.

Jerry, I would prefer to be beyond comparison, but if a comparison must exist Olive definitely wouldn't be the one I wanted most. Merry Jerry - and all good things to you.

Secret Agent, I agree with you. Though when I complained about it to my husband he said, "Popeye thought Olive Oyl was beautiful. It's all a matter of perspective." Point, I think... doesn't matter what the majority thinks as long as Popeye is impressed?

Brown said...

I may have to side with you on this one. I could never quite figure out what Popeye (or Brutus for that matter)ever saw in Olive, but I will say this, they were both madly in love with each other. I don't think she had a muscle in her body, but she would fight for him to the death. Come to think about it, that is kind of sexy...

mischief said...

Exactly, a very strange little woman! I guess she was happy though?