Saturday, January 30, 2010

backward indication that an inspired word will come across your tongue

Andrew sent me a note today saying though he's loathe to jinx potential career opportunities by talking about them, he's probably moving here in April. I like the idea of Andrew living here, of him being nearby, even though he bugged me when he was in my Masters class. Sitting next to him at 8 in the morning, working on group projects together and hearing his views on Tim Horton's coffee has to be different from going for drinks with him in the evening. And since I won't be working with him I think there's slim chance of me ever having to see him in the morning again.

I like the idea of having a friend who's young enough to ask me what's cooler than being cool because it's stupid and because I know the answer. I like the idea of having a friend who's young enough to want to see Said The Whale and who thinks my Joey Ramone shirt is vintage instead of ancient. I probably just want to pretend I'm 25 once in awhile and since he supports my delusions he's in good favour.


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